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Linda Danter, Ph.D.
Mar 20, 2012 Growing with FriendsIt’s not always easy to identify which of our efforts will lead to the most success, but we’ve come to understand that certain things can only generate good. At New Directions Career Center (NDCC), creating relationships with other organizations has had a big impact on the ever-expanding services we’re able to offer to the women who come to us. When both sides are invested, partnering organizations can have a positive, immeasurable influence on one another. One of the great things about partnering with other organizations is that you can team up on many different levels. Strong partnerships, whatever their source, demonstrate a reciprocity, rooting themselves in a common mission as well as values. For instance, it is not unusual for our partners to provide volunteers who generously share resources and expertise with clients. Often these dedicated volunteers conduct mock interviews, provide networking experience, or facilitate workshops. Ultimately, however, these volunteers – as well as the greater community – benefit when program graduates re-enter the workforce better trained and more competent than ever before! Clients benefit when organizations come together, coordinating services for the individual’s ultimate good. It is not uncommon for us to link with other nonprofit organizations (e.g. settlement houses, homeless shelters, domestic violence shelters, single moms programs, food banks, low-income health programs) who are meeting a woman’s basic needs while she simultaneously immerses herself in the holistic resources and career development services available at the Center. One example of this is the invaluable relationships we’ve established with shelters for victims of domestic violence. Studies show that women often stay in violent situations longer than they should because they’re worried they can’t support themselves and their children. That’s why we approached shelters to give us the opportunity to come in and share information about our services. Once women take the first step to leave a violent situation, these women then know how our caring, capable staff can empower them to take the next step - building new, fulfilling lives. Some partnerships develop into long-term collaborations in which we jointly deliver a service. The work we do with the Columbus MetropolitanLibrary (CML) system exemplifies organizations pooling resources to address an unmet need. NDCC staff work with CML staff to identify community needs related to employment, and then plan workshops and services to address those specific needs. NDCC provides the expert staff and/or volunteers on a targeted topic (e.g. resume reviews, “hot jobs”, or interviewing skills) and CML provides space as well as support materials at the 21 sites throughout Franklin County. The public attend these programs – free of charge – and leave the library equipped with vital information necessary to better compete in today’s challenging economy. The E3 program is another successful collaboration. This program prepares and supports women with low to moderate income to achieve a new level of financial stability through post-secondary education. It is actually a partnership of three non-profits working together to deliver the program: Consumer Credit Counseling Services, Godman Guild Association and New Directions Career Center. The program is funded by a fourth partner, the Women’s Leadership Council (WLC) of the United Way of Central Ohio. WLC members are also serving as mentors and resources for E3 program participants. Certainly other client-centered relationships also exist. NDCC values its work with professional organizations such as the Human Resources Association of Central Ohio and the Financial Planning Association. Both of these remarkable organizations facilitate informational sessions which augment the Center’s core programs. Clients also gain access to insights and guidance not readily available to job seekers. These professional organizations and their highly competent members are provided with an avenue to fulfill their community service goals of “giving back” and making a difference in our community. Finally, partnerships with various women’s organizations such as The Women’s Book, Dames Bond, The Institute on Women, National Association ofWomen Business Owners (NAWBO), the Women President’s Organization (WPO), the WLC (listed above) and many others, allow us to promote each others' events and activities, support the professional development of our various constituents, share networking opportunities and valuable knowledge which benefits women associated with each of our organizations. Connection elevates this world. The public, for-profit and non-profit sectors can work together in so many different, mutually rewarding ways. Partnerships have given us the opportunity to broaden our own circle of knowledge and experience, allowed us to share best practices, and both improve and expand our service delivery to more clients. It’s an ideal situation - everyone benefits, especially the women we serve.
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